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  • Corning Elplasia 12K培养瓶
    发布日期:2023-03-15 | 下载次数:1004
  • Corning Matribot 生物打印机
    发布日期:2023-03-15 | 下载次数:954
  • 康宁3D细胞培养解决方案
    发布日期:2019-06-12 | 下载次数:3378
  • 使用康宁Matribot 生物打印机打印基质胶进行高通量3D细胞培养
    发布日期:2023-03-15 | 下载次数:921
  • Rock the Science of 3D - From Promise to Reality
    3D cell culture is exploding. Corning is ready, willing, and able to provide the in-depth knowledge, expertise, and hands-on assistance you need to create breakthrough models and deliver what’s next – whatever your 3D approach.
    发布日期:2019-07-16 | 下载次数:1689
  • 康宁Matribot生物打印机:助力3D细胞培养
    发布日期:2023-03-15 | 下载次数:862
  • 综述:3D细胞培养和试验系统 (中文)
    发布日期:2019-06-27 | 下载次数:2802
  • 康宁实体瘤免疫治疗解决方案:3D肿瘤模型
    免疫细胞在3D 体系中需要克服的障碍远远大于2D,不仅需要迁移到肿瘤所在位置,还需要浸润3D结构以攻击靶细胞。通过3D肿瘤模型可研究免疫细胞归巢、肿瘤细胞毒和肿瘤免疫逃逸等,帮助攻克免疫细胞治疗实体瘤的难题。
    发布日期:2019-06-27 | 下载次数:1971
  • Break the 3D barrier
    We design and develop 3D bioprinted human tissue for use in preclinical drug safety testing, transporter assessment, disease modeling, and therapeutic applications. The flexibility of Corning Transwell® formats, pore sizes, and membrane materials all
    发布日期:2019-08-19 | 下载次数:1609
  • 多细胞球与类器官,两者有何不同?
    发布日期:2020-04-29 | 下载次数:1817
  • Assays Requiring Multiple Spheroids per Well
    Here we demonstrate how Corning Elplasia 96-well microplates can reproducibly form multiple uniform ovarian cancer spheroids that can be used for luminescent, fluorescent, and high content imaging assays.
    发布日期:2020-05-29 | 下载次数:1656
  • Advantages of Performing 3D Assays with the Corning® Elplasia® Plates
    Elplasia plates can be beneficial for applications that require greater assay signal or more spheroids. Here we highlight two examples with data generated using 96-well spheroid microplates and Elplasia plates.
    发布日期:2020-05-29 | 下载次数:1715